Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

History of the Department

The teaching of political economy in the Yekaterinoslav Higher Mining School was organized from the first years of its existence (1912). However, the formation of an independent department of political economy took place in 1952. In 1992 the department was renamed into the department of economic theory and the foundations of entrepreneurship, and in 2017 it received the modern name of the department of economic theory and international economic relations.

A special role in the development of the department was performed by I. Shkaredny, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Higher Education, who was the Head of the Department from 1952 to 1978. For many decades the department was headed by Candidates of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professors F. Y. Lisyansky, V. M. Kharabaj, S. V. Zarechny, V. G. Kobzar, N. A. Stasenko, I. D. Litvinov, Art. teachers K. M. Balykina and I. S. Ukhin, assistant A. N. Plohoy.

Ph.D., Assoc. I.Y. Golyshev (1978-1983), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine A.A. Zadoya (1983-2001), Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Yu. I. Pilipenko (2001-2006), Ph.D., Assoc. V.V. Voloshenyuk (2006 - 2012), Doctor of Economics, prof. Y.I. Pilipenko (2012 - present) were the department heads over the years.

Since the 90s of the twentieth century the department is a reference for teaching the fundamental economic disciplines, a well-known scientific and methodological center of the country. In recent years, about 20 textbooks on economic theory, history of economic studies, micro- and macroeconomics have been published in Ukraine and abroad. The department provides teaching of professionally-oriented and special economic disciplines.

The department prepared 6 doctoral (A. A. Zadoya - 1989, Yu. E. Petrunya - 2000, Yu. I. Pilipenko - 2011, G. M. Pilipenko - 2012, V. M. Shapoval - 2012. , N.I. Litvinenko - 2016 p.) And 17 PhD theses - F.E. Lisyanskaya (1952), N.I. Gusev (1958), N.G. Popova (1961), V.M. Kharabajah (1967 ), N. A. Stasenko (1969), A. A. Zadoya (1978), V. Kobzar (1979), A. V. Cherkavsky (1983), Yu. E. Petrunya, S. V. Zarechny (1987) , T.V. Gnidenko (1990), Yu.I. Pilipenko (1995), G.M. Pilipenko (1996), V.V. Voloshenyuk (2000), S.A. Gerashchenko (2001), N.I. Litvinenko (2004), V.V. Chernobaev (2008).

Today, the department has 3 doctors of economic sciences and 5 candidates of economic sciences, assistant professors. Prepare a dissertation three graduate students.



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